How to Make Buffalo Fish Bait
- 1). Place 1/4 cup brown rice in blender and chop to a coarse flour. Add the rice grits to the flour and soy flour in the small mixing bowl and mix thoroughly. Place 1/2 cup of dried shrimp in the blender and chop until the shrimp forms a rough meal. Add the shrimp bits to the dry ingredients and stir.
- 2). Break four eggs into the large mixing bowl. Add molasses and three drops of liquid red food coloring to the eggs and stir. Blend by hand with a fork but only until the mix is uniform in color.
- 3). Add 1/4 of the dry mix to the liquid ingredients in the large bowl and stir until uniform. Add another 1/4 and mix again, forming a stiff batter. Add the remainder of the mix a little at a time while kneading by hand. Knead until a stiff dough forms. The dough should form a large evenly textured ball that holds its shape well. If pieces of the dough stick to your hands, add flour and knead until smooth.
- 4). Divide the dough ball into four equal pieces. Roll each into a sausage-shaped cylinder about 3/4 inch in diameter. Break off a section 3/4 inch long and roll the dough between your palms until it forms a small, round ball. Form the rest of the dough into balls of roughly the same size.
- 5). Boil 1 1/2 qts. of water in a 2-qt. pot. Add dough balls up to 20 at a time and boil for two minutes. Use a slotted spoon to lift the dough balls out of the pot. Place the dough balls on a dry cloth. Arrange the balls so they dry without sticking together. Give the dough-ball baits--or boilies--at least half an hour to dry before sealing in zipper bags and storing in the freezer until needed.