African Butterfly Fish Diet
- This fish eats terrestrial insects which fall onto the water's surface, as well as aquatic nymphs and insect larvae. According to Fish Base, the African butterfly fish has also been observed eating fish and crustaceans at the water's surface. They avoid fish that swim midstream or at the bottom of a body of water, and will not eat anything larger than their mouths.
- African butterfly fish are a popular aquarium fish, though they can be difficult to feed and keep. They will eat most other types of protein, including live insects and other invertebrates. While this fish prefers live food, it can be taught to eat frozen and flake foods. However, the African butterfly fish will also readily consume other creatures in the tank, such as neon tetras and zebra danios. They should only be kept with bottom dwellers or fish too large for the butterfly fish to consume.
- Baby African butterfly fish, called fry, can be difficult to feed successfully in captivity. They eat only live foods which float directly in front of their mouths. Aqualand Pets Plus recommends feeding newly hatched live brine shrimp to these fish, using a light bulb above the tank to attract the shrimp to the water's surface.
- According to the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, the African butterfly fish has a unique adaptation to its visual system which allows it to see both above and below the water at the same time. The visual field is divided into three areas, one for viewing the water column, one for the air above the column, and one for reflections from the underside of the water. These specializations allow the fish to react quickly to the presence of food.
- The African butterfly fish lives in the calm parts of rivers and can also be found in slow moving streams and in swamps. It has a strong jumping ability, which allows it to catch flying insects and avoid predators. Aquarium owners should provide their butterfly fish with lidded enclosures to prevent them from leaping out of the tank after insects or other moving objects.