How To Get Your Girlfriend Back - What Are Some Clear Indications You Can Get Her Back?
An ex girlfriend has a power over a man that most women do not have. They know what gets you going already and they know how to play mind games with you if that is what they want to do. As vulnerable as you might feel when you first start dating a woman, an ex girlfriend can easily make you feel ten times more vulnerable. So, what can you do if you want to get back with an ex girlfriend and you are confused by what really works?
You Have to Look for Clear Indications That You CAN Get Back With Her...
Honestly, there is no point in wasting all of your time and your energy trying to chase after an ex girlfriend if there is no hope at all that she will ever want to get back together. If there are no clear indications that this is even possible, you will do yourself better by trying to find a new girlfriend than you will allowing yourself to stay hooked on the one that you cannot get back with.
I've met guys that have literally tried for YEARS to get back with an ex girlfriend and the effect that this can have is not pretty. You don't want to end up like that, do you? Chasing away after one woman for years, only to have to one day realize that it's just never going to happen?
What Are Some Clear Indications You Can Get Her Back?
1. She wants to keep the lines of communication OPEN with her.
Is this a sure sign that you can get her back? Not always. Let's be honest, if she wants to play mind games with you or keep you around as someone to call when she needs a quick ego boost, then she will want to keep the lines of communication open. However, it can be a good sign as long as she is not looking to talk to you about her problems or as a way to boost her self esteem.
2. She doesn't talk about other guys with you.
If you and her are still in communication and she's not talking about other guys, this can be a good sign that the possibility is still there of getting back together. Most women are pretty good at knowing what will turn off a guy or make him feel insecure and if she does not bring up any other guys when you talk with her, it might be a sign that she does not want to turn you off.
3. She still talks very highly of you to her friends.
A really ticked off ex girlfriend or an ex girlfriend that wants nothing to do with you probably is not going to talk good about you to her friends. So, if you know that she IS talking highly of you, this can be a very good sign that there is a chance that you can win her back.