How to Report Fraudulent Companies
- 1). Gather as much information about the company as possible. Some of the information that will be helpful include the name of the business, any contact information for the business, what transpired, the name of the person with whom you spoke, the product you purchased, the purchase price and the method of payment.
- 2). Visit the National Fraud Information Center (NFIC) Web site and complete their fraud report form. If you do not wish to submit the report online, you can also mail a fraud report to them. Call them at (202) 835-0618 if you are a law enforcement officer wanting to report fraud to the NFIC.
- 3). Report Internet crime to the FBI by visiting the Internet Crime Complaint Center Web site at and completing the online form.
- 1). Contact the Better Business Bureau (BBB) to report fraud that occurred from a company that has a physical address. This should be the BBB in the city and state in which the company is located, not the BBB where you are located.
- 2). Report the fraud to your state attorney general's office.
- 3). Visit the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Web site to report fraudulent activity via their electronic "Complaint Assistant" form. When you complete the form, the information also will be transmitted to the FBI.
- 4). Report the fraud to your creditor or banking institution if you utilized your credit card or checking account to pay for goods or services. By reporting the fraud immediately, you may be entitled to recover some or all of your money.