Early on-set osteoarthritis!? I am way too busy for this! True story of my struggle with osteoarthri
I am a 32 year old mother of 3 beautiful girls. Shyanne-15, Kayla-4, Jessica-2. have recently been diagnosed with EARLY ON-SET OSTEOARTHRITIS. In the summer of 2008, I was expecting my third child. I was about 6 months along in my pregnancy when my right knee started causing me discomfort. I figured it must be pain from all of the weight I was carrying, not only was I in my third trimester-but obese as well.
As the pregnancy progressed the pain in my right leg became very uncomfortable, and irritating. I was really eager to deliver my girl, and gave birth August 25, 2008. She was early by almost 4 weeks, and weighed 5lbs-7ounces. She was admitted to the NICU (neo-natal intensive care unit). Pre-mature babies are nurtured 24/7 on the unit, to gain weight and be observed for any health concerns when babies are born pre-mature.
With all of the hustle and bustle of bringing a newborn home, I had forgotten about my sore leg. Since my pregnancy was over, and my leg was still bothering me-I decided to go get an x-ray. I went to Thunder Bay Regional Hospital-Emergency Department, to try to get some answers and some relief. I saw the doctor on call in the emergency department, and explained that my knee had been aching/irritated for about a year. Letting him know that the reason I had let it go on so long was because I assumed it was pregnancy related and would subside. The doctor ordered x-rays for my right knee. He came back to see me 3 hours later, to tell me that my knee was fine. He prescribed me an anti-inflamitory, and warned me that I MUST lose weight. This is nothing I hadn't heard before.
I have been on the heavy side my whole life, ranging anywhere from 170lbs-315lbs at different stages in my life. At that time I was sitting at about 200lbs., post-partum. I go on with a constant ache in the leg, and a limp developing that I found humiliating. I go down in weight by 20-25 lbs., and absolutly no relief.
Having no family doctor was also presenting a huge problem for me. My family doctor passed away in May of 2006, I was lucky enough to be working with an amazing nurse practitioner after that, named Vivian Jonston. When went on to work on the trauma unit of our new hospital, Thunder Bay Regional and left her office. I was again without a doctor. It has taken me over a year to even hear of a doctor taking patients. Thankfully I have just now found one, and it is Sept. 2010.
Winter of 2009 rolls around and the leg pain takes me back to the emergency. It is a constant ache running between my knee and upper leg area. This time I am blessed with a very good doctor who offers me a conclusive diagnosis for my leg pain. The pain feels deep and aches almost like a toothache or headache. After x-rays on my right knee, femur, and hip come back the doctor has much to tell me. He explains that when the pain started it was what he called "deffered pain" it was coming from the hip, but I was feeling it in the knee area.
I must describe for you what the x-ray looked like to my completely untrained eye. In front of me were 3 different positions, one of them a comparative of my left hip area-which is strong and healthy and another of my right hip which was damaged. When looking at the two pictures of my hip/femur the left side was solid white bone, the right side was a white outline and a foggy/grey looking inside. He diagnosed me with Early on-set Osteoarthritis of the right hip and femur. My joints are so badly damaged, hip replacement was nessesary. I was in awe, a hip replacement is huge!
On my way home a million thoughts are running through my mind. I am recently out of a very abusive relationship, I am raising my girls on my own, I have been told yet again, that I MUST lose weight. I am not looking for an excuse as to why I can't exercise, but everything hurts! My daughter has begun to call me fat and lazy. I will admit that being in constant irritation/pain makes a person less willing to do those day to day chores that used to get done. I have no support in order for when I do have the surgery. I will also require 4-6 months of rehabilitation, when the new hip is healed and ready to go. The rehab will be intense and daily, as I will need to learn how to walk again. I am very concerned that walking around with such a noticeable limp is going to damage my back or the joints on my left side.
I have been very lucky most of my life to have had great health! I was one of those people who was never sick, I have never broken a bone, I was active and physical...I can only wish for that kind of mobility again. My self esteen has suffered immensly. My sex life has become non-existant. I am left unable to get down and "play rough" with my girls. I will never take my health for granted again. I am now working a lowfat diet, and have purchased a recumbant bike to use in moderation to help burn some calories. My whole family has taken to a heathier way of eating, and I so glad. I am really scared about my up-coming surgery, and am praying to have my leg back. I would love to be able to throw on a pair of heeled boots like I used to and STROLL downtown. Maybe I will find my Mr; Right on my travels