Msols Songs - Listening to music got a new touch with jazz
Msols oppose its commercialization and many hardcore followers of Msols Songs criticize the idea of commercialization. There has always been conflict between Msols being a commercial music and an art form. Since the origin of Msols it has been categorically divided in to many phases. In the 1890s-1910s Ragtime was in the place as it was the age when slavery was abolished and people started thinking with free mind. Then comes New Orleans Music age when bands started playing music across cities. Some of the well educated African-American people were part of the New Orleans Music. Then comes the true Msols age of 1920s and 1930s. In this age Msols was treated as unwanted and people started thinking it as immoral. Media too criticized Msols a lot. The most famous of singers Bessie Smith was first recorded in this period itself. In 1940s and 1950s revival of Dixieland Music began and it started getting popular in US, Europe, and Japan. Latin Msols started getting popular in 1960s and 1970s. There are various other form of Msols Songs which started getting popular afterwards.