Scalp Shampoo
I'm so tired of the words scalp shampoo.
I have lost count of all the shampoos i have tried.
Introduce me to one that actually works and I will introduce you to my happy scalp.
So many times I have been disappointed by the promise of dandruff destruction.
I literally spent years looking for a permanent solution to my little problem.
In fact I hope it is a long time before I ever have those depressing let downs ever again.
I have tried countless so called remedies including prescriptions that have provided short term, or no relief at all.
There are a lot of different choices when it comes to scalp shampoo.
You are looking for a few different things.
Especially when you want to make dandruff go away permanently.
First though, let's discuss a possible cause of your dandruff problem.
Dandruff can be caused by a yeast called Malassezia.
It lives on your scalp and thrives on the oils that keep your scalp moist/oily.
When dead skin cells are shed, this yeast gets washed off or brushed away.
However, it can grow out of control.
This out of control growth can cause your scalp to get irritated making it red and itchy.
This kicks skin cell growth into an accelerated pace; as the skin cells build up, they become the flakes you see.
Now when you're shopping for shampoos, as I mentioned earlier, here's what you're looking for.
You're looking for a dandruff shampoo that contains a coal tar or salicylic acid.
You can also look for pyrithione zinc or selenium sulfide.
Each one of these ingredients reduces dandruff in different ways.
Tar-based products will slow cell production.
Salicylic acid-based products help remove dead cells before they build up.
Both types of shampoo have an anti-fungal quality that helps your scalp fight the yeast, which is the good friend of dandruff.
Last but not least, pyrithione zinc and selenium sulfide reduce the rate at which skin cells expire.
I have lost count of all the shampoos i have tried.
Introduce me to one that actually works and I will introduce you to my happy scalp.
So many times I have been disappointed by the promise of dandruff destruction.
I literally spent years looking for a permanent solution to my little problem.
In fact I hope it is a long time before I ever have those depressing let downs ever again.
I have tried countless so called remedies including prescriptions that have provided short term, or no relief at all.
There are a lot of different choices when it comes to scalp shampoo.
You are looking for a few different things.
Especially when you want to make dandruff go away permanently.
First though, let's discuss a possible cause of your dandruff problem.
Dandruff can be caused by a yeast called Malassezia.
It lives on your scalp and thrives on the oils that keep your scalp moist/oily.
When dead skin cells are shed, this yeast gets washed off or brushed away.
However, it can grow out of control.
This out of control growth can cause your scalp to get irritated making it red and itchy.
This kicks skin cell growth into an accelerated pace; as the skin cells build up, they become the flakes you see.
Now when you're shopping for shampoos, as I mentioned earlier, here's what you're looking for.
You're looking for a dandruff shampoo that contains a coal tar or salicylic acid.
You can also look for pyrithione zinc or selenium sulfide.
Each one of these ingredients reduces dandruff in different ways.
Tar-based products will slow cell production.
Salicylic acid-based products help remove dead cells before they build up.
Both types of shampoo have an anti-fungal quality that helps your scalp fight the yeast, which is the good friend of dandruff.
Last but not least, pyrithione zinc and selenium sulfide reduce the rate at which skin cells expire.