How to Clean the Cache in Ubuntu
- 1). Run "Terminal." Click on "Applications" in the menu bar, select "Accessories" and then select "Terminal."
- 2). Type "sudo apt-get clean" at the prompt in the Terminal window. Hit "Enter." If you have a password on your system, it may prompt you to enter the password, which will not display on screen when you type it and hit "enter."
- 3). Close the Terminal window. The cache will be cleaned and you will not get any message telling you so. Select "Close Window" from the "File" menu in the Terminal window to close it.
- 1). Select "Clear Recent History" from Firefox's "Tools" menu. Or select "Preferences" from the "Edit" menu in Firefox and click on "clear your recent history" in the "History" part of the "Privacy" section. The same dialog box will pop up in either case.
- 2). Select a time range for which Firefox will remove the selected history. Choose from "last hour," "last two hours," "last four hours," "today" and "everything."
- 3). Select one or more specific items to clear. You can select them all if you want. Your choices include "browsing and downloads," "form search history," "cookies," "cache," "active logins," and "site preferences."
- 4). Click on the "Clear Now" button when you are done making your selections.
- 5). Consider this additional option for Firefox: Select "Preferences" from the "Edit" menu. Select the "Advanced" section of the Preferences dialog box. Then select the "Network" tab. You can change the amount of disk space allocated for the cache by changing the number in the box. Select the "Clear Now" button to clear the cache.