How Can You Tell When You Should Give Up Getting Your Ex Back?
No matter how hard you try or just how long you try, you just can't seem to get the outcome you're searching for.
You realize you still love your ex.
There isn't any doubt about it.
But, you are beginning to wonder if you need to just stop trying.
You're starting to feel you should try to proceed with your life.
How can you tell if it's time to move on? At times, the correct choice would be to move on.
But, if you're not wanting to choose that option (within your heart, mind, and soul); it's one which will likely leave full of with questions for as long as you live.
You'll always have this lingering doubt of "what if?" lingering in the back of your mind.
Before you decide to abandon winning your ex back, maybe you should alter your strategy.
(If your horse won't take you where you want to go, you need to get a brand new horse) What have you been trying to do to get back your ex? You state that you have tried everything and that absolutely nothing is working.
I need to ask you: Did you try not doing anything? Yes, it may seem totally wrong to do absolutely nothing and expect results, but when what you've been trying isn't working and you're already considering giving up, what might it hurt to make it seem as if you have? I'm saying no contact at all, don't accept a phone call from your ex, make it go to voice mail instead then listen to it later.
After that, don't make contact with them right away after they leave that message.
If you've been making time to visit your ex, you must stop.
If you've been saying "yes" to every request for support, you must say "no".
The astounding thing about people is that we desire that which we don't have.
So long as you're attempting to win back your ex, your ex knows that he (or she) has you.
They are sure you're going to be there when they call and ask for help or simply needs a friendly ear - your ex is certain of this.
You've always been there for your ex, and so far even a break-up hasn't altered that.
You really need to let your ex get a taste of what life is truly like without having you there.
This is when your ex is going to begin to understand what was giving up when the romance ended.
As long as you're calling, messaging, coming by, and giving support in countless different ways, your ex isn't losing anything.
Your ex has never felt the loss of the partnership simply because your ex is still receiving the positive aspects of the relationship.
So make yourself hard to find, if not utterly missing in your ex's world and see how much time it takes your ex to come to you.
Don't allow this time to pass unused.
Put it to use smartly to come up with a step-by-step plan for what you are going to do and say once you're ex does decide to pick up the phone to see how you're been.
Don't rely on what you think you have to do, get some support to see what you ought to do next.