New Federal All In One Required Posting Solution
Do I need to post the USERRA notice? The answer is yes, if any of your employees formerly served in the US military, or currently serves, or is a member of the military Reserve or National Guard.
What if I don't post it, and tomorrow we hire a veteran? Then you would be in violation of federal law. Even worse, you might be sued for depriving a veteran of benefits he is entitled to.
What if we hire a new employee who doesn't mention that he or she is a veteran or member of the Reserve/National Guard? You would still be in violation of the federal law, which requires you to display notification if you have even one eligible employee.
What if we have hired a veteran, and ordered the poster but it has not yet arrived? You would still be in violation of federal law, because you have an eligible employee and have not displayed the poster.
Situations like this are why employers frequently want to pull their hair out and kick the metal trash can in frustration (ouch!) over labor law posters. The laws seem designed to frustrate employers, who have many, many more important considerations in running a business and managing a staff of workers, in any of the 50 US states.
The best solution to this problem, of course, is to simply display the poster, even if you believe that none of your current employees qualifies.
And that's just one poster. Many employers go through a similar conversation about five to ten federal labor law posters annually. The problem is multiplied for an employer with federal contracts or with more than one location. That can be a lot of posters! Particularly when you consider that business owners may be required to display federal posters, plus (in some areas) up to a dozen state posters. But there is a solution in sight! The federal all in one labor law poster is a creative answer to this problem. It includes all the posters an employer typically needs to post, in one durable, high-quality format.
Instead of spending valuable time ordering, replacing and updating posters all the time, the federal all in one employer poster streamlines the whole operation while taking up less space. In addition, many employers find that the laminated federal all in one posters are far more attractive than earlier paper versions.