Questions For the Home Based Business Recruiter
It's no secret that when the economy is in the tank people lose jobs and lose their dreams.
This affects everyone.
Most businesses also experience a decrease in sales and profits.
The best business to have is a home based business that will grow in a down economy and grow in an up economy.
The home business owner will become the only truly safe business owner no matter which way the economy turns.
When times are good, people have extra income to invest in a part time internet business and when times are bad, the smart individuals realize they need a Plan B...
and FAST.
If you have a home business then I congratulate you on your decision to take charge of your future.
If you DO NOT have a Home Based Business, you really should consider it.
Where else can you start a business and work less than 30 minutes a day and build a successful profitable income stream.
Sure you will want to work more than that as your business grows but I do not recommend it because a home based business is typically a slow growth venture.
In most cases you should expect to make $500 - $1000 in your first 30 to 90 days but that will not excite most people if you have invested 300 to over 1000 hours.
This is why most people quit home based businesses.
DO NOT ALLOW THIS TO HAPPEN TO YOU! Avoid the trappings and pitfalls of the home business industry by finding a success mentor that will tell you the truth BEFORE you get started.
Seek out someone that will tell you the BAD along with the good.
Example of the bad is the learning curve.
Inquire about the time it takes to be trained.
Is free internet marketing training involved? Is there training online available 24/7? Will you have access to a live person for help seven days a week? Who will be providing the personalized attention? Who will teach me HOW to build the business online? Any successful home business owner will be able to answer these questions immediately without any hesitation.
The answers should satisfy you.
If they don't satisfy you then look elsewhere and do not regret the decision.
A home business IS a real business and your emotions can get in the way of your true success and financial freedom.
There are many great companies out there that have outstanding products.
We hear this all the time mostly regarding nutritional companies where the customer LOVES the product, is convinced to invest in the business, and then never taught how to earn money with the business.
In closing I encourage everyone to get involved in a home business.
Whether you need an extra $2500 a month, $25,000 a month, or $250,000, a good home based business is the only legal way to get it.
Buyer Beware...
make sure you are dealing with someone you can get along with on a consistent basis.
make sure you ask plenty of questions and that you get satisfactory answers.
know that you will be excited about the business but DO NOT allow your emotions to dictate your business decisions.