Is There Such Thing As A Betting Strategy To Beat Roulette?
There are many strategies out there currently that claim to be able to beat roulette, however in the end they always fail due to the fact that they cannot sustain the hit that comes from an unrecoverable loss in a huge losing streak.
So is the answer to beating roulette is not in betting strategies, then where is it? The simple answer is computer programs.
There have been many programs devised that can work much faster and more accurately than the human mind when it comes to beating roulette and can give an accurate judgment of where the ball is likely to land next.
Although they can give a judgment and recommendation as to where is the most likely place the ball is going to land, this is not guaranteed as the roulette wheel doesn't have a memory.
In fact, I've personally experienced a time when I was in Australia where the ball landed on the '0' slot six times in a row, which in case you don't know, has only a 0.
0000000389% mathematical chance of happening.
Just because it's not probable, doesn't mean it's not possible.
So, back to computer programs, they take the thinking out of the game and put it into the hands of something much more logical and stable than the human mind.
Whenever I play roulette online, I always use one of these programs.
In the years since I got my first one, I've only ever come out at a loss a handful of times, with the rest of the probably hundreds of betting sessions I've come out on top.
If you had nothing else to do and wanted to make a living out of it, you could easily achieve it using one of these simple - and usually very cheap - computer programs.
I'm not going to name any names as I don't want this to sound like an advert, however you shouldn't have to look far in order to find what you're looking for - the internet provides in abundance!