Circumcision - Its Background
It is interesting to note that circumcision dates back to biblical times.
It is mentioned in the Book of Genesis that God executed a covenant with a Jewish Patriarch Abraham in which the latter and his descendants would be given fertile lands, riches and success but on condition that Abraham, his descendants and any slaves purchased or born in his household must be circumcised by the 8th day of life.
Those who opt to disobey the covenant were to separate from Abraham's household and live without enjoying God's favor.
It is reported that Abraham and his descendants as well as present-day Jews have religiously complied with the agreement in the covenant.
According to the World Health Organization, the rates of circumcision remain high in Jewish men.
About 98% of American-Jews are circumcised.
Abraham sons Isaac and Ismael were circumcised and passed down the practice to their descendants.
Ismael who is Isaac's half-brother and considered forefather of modern-day Arab people, passed down the custom of circumcision even to his ancestors, including the Prophet Mohammad.
The Quran says nothing about circumcision but having full knowledge that Mohammad himself was circumcised, most Muslims do circumcise their sons.
Some Muslims circumcise their infant sons by the traditional 7th day of life while other Muslims prefer circumcision around adolescence.
At present almost 2 out of every 3 circumcised men on earth are Muslims.
Most Christian sects don't endorse circumcision.
The option is left to the family.
Buddhism or Hinduism is silent on the practice of circumcision.
Hindus may not practice it simply because they believe it is an Islamic practice.
It is believed that the Jews were exposed to the custom by the ancient Egyptian who practiced circumcision for thousand of years before the birth of Christ.
At the outset, Jewish mothers do the circumcision of their own children, however this task was taken over by trained Mohels.
Circumcision for the ancient Egyptian was done by a priest using his gold-adorned thumbnail, whereas in ancient Turkey, barbers- who likewise performed bloodlettings and amputations in the middle ages- do circumcision.
Whether or not the Egyptian taught the Jews or vice-versa, peoples the world over who had no contact with either group were practicing circumcision.
The ancient Mayans and the Aztecs circumcised their male children.
Circumcision had long time ago been practiced by the natives of Australia, parts of Africa, Asia and the Americas.
Herodotus- the ancient historian- stated in his writings that circumcision was practiced by an ancient people Colchians who settled in what is now present-day Georgia.
Circumcision for medical purposes started to gain popularity in the 19th century as doctors began treating adult phimosis.
However- there were indications that the practice might have been performed much earlier to prevent or treat venereal diseases.
In the late 19th and early 20th century, doctors started performing circumcision more often now with anesthesia.
This time circumcision was considered by some as cure for a range of ailments, from impotence to homosexuality.