Why You Should Stop Drinking Cow’S Milk.
First let us consider what milk is. It is the maternal excretion from a mammal's glands to suckle its young through the early stages of life. All mammals stop drinking their mother's milk within 12 months. In the case of humans and our modern day obsession with cow's milk;
1. We are the only mammal on the planet that drinks milk after we have been weaned.
2. We are the only mammal on the planet that drinks the milk of another species.
Each mammal produces milk that is specific in its chemical make up to nourish the young of that species. Obviously this is no accident - a mother's milk is "designed" as the perfect food for her offspring. This makes one mammal drinking the milk of another mammal even more bizarre.
The really dark secrets that the dairy industry don't want us to know start with the differences between cow and human milk. Contrary to what many people think, they are very different. The perpetuating myth (sustained in most part by the dairy industry's relentless marketing and campaigning) that cow's milk is "nature's perfect food", "natural" or "full of natural goodness" is a load of rubbish.
It might be nature's perfect food for baby calves but it is far from that for human beings. Just take a moment to think what drinking that stuff does to a baby calf?
"It's not natural for humans to drink cow's milk. Human's milk is for humans. Cow's milk is for calves. You have no more need of cow's milk than you do rat's, horse's or elephant's milk. Cow's milk is a high fat fluid exquisitely designed to turn a 65lb baby calf into a 400lb cow. That's what it is for!"- Dr Michael Klaper, MD.
If you are consuming dairy are you surprised that you are putting on weight? That is exactly what it is designed to do!!!
Each mammal's milk is specifically formulated to provide the required nutrients for that particular species growth needs. For instance, milk from cows and humans are both around 4% fat, but a grey seal's milk is over 50% fat which allows its pups to go from 13kg to 43kg in just 21 days (when weaning stops).
So next time you go to drink a glass of milk ask yourself, what am I really drinking and why am I drinking it? Should I really be drinking something designed by nature to fatten up calves if im trying to lose weight?
1. We are the only mammal on the planet that drinks milk after we have been weaned.
2. We are the only mammal on the planet that drinks the milk of another species.
Each mammal produces milk that is specific in its chemical make up to nourish the young of that species. Obviously this is no accident - a mother's milk is "designed" as the perfect food for her offspring. This makes one mammal drinking the milk of another mammal even more bizarre.
The really dark secrets that the dairy industry don't want us to know start with the differences between cow and human milk. Contrary to what many people think, they are very different. The perpetuating myth (sustained in most part by the dairy industry's relentless marketing and campaigning) that cow's milk is "nature's perfect food", "natural" or "full of natural goodness" is a load of rubbish.
It might be nature's perfect food for baby calves but it is far from that for human beings. Just take a moment to think what drinking that stuff does to a baby calf?
"It's not natural for humans to drink cow's milk. Human's milk is for humans. Cow's milk is for calves. You have no more need of cow's milk than you do rat's, horse's or elephant's milk. Cow's milk is a high fat fluid exquisitely designed to turn a 65lb baby calf into a 400lb cow. That's what it is for!"- Dr Michael Klaper, MD.
If you are consuming dairy are you surprised that you are putting on weight? That is exactly what it is designed to do!!!
Each mammal's milk is specifically formulated to provide the required nutrients for that particular species growth needs. For instance, milk from cows and humans are both around 4% fat, but a grey seal's milk is over 50% fat which allows its pups to go from 13kg to 43kg in just 21 days (when weaning stops).
So next time you go to drink a glass of milk ask yourself, what am I really drinking and why am I drinking it? Should I really be drinking something designed by nature to fatten up calves if im trying to lose weight?