Healthy Halloween? Is It Possible?
It means dressing up, it means trick or treating, it REALLY means candy, candy and more candy! A Mom's nightmare! So, how can you make it healthy without taking the fun out of it? But before we get into that, there's so much more to Halloween than the average KitKat bar! It started with a long tradition of superstitions, witches and goblins and in our country (USA), and of course, it's become the night to parade through the neighborhoods with painted faces and outstretched arms laden with bags of candy.
But what if you are doing more than simply standing as a sentry at the door waiting for the next black-draped kiddo or bunny-eared baby to come knocking? What if you are actually throwing a little Halloween party? What can you serve? Actually, there are all kinds of wonderful goodies you can serve at a Halloween party and keep it on the healthier side.
Why not have pizza, quesadillas, mini sandwiches and fruit kabobs? You could also have trail mixes, snack mixes and nut mixes in small bowls around your party area instead of filling them up with candy.
Don't forget that you can do a lot with popcorn too.
As I mentioned before, Halloween as we know it today, originated from a very specific history.
Many countries celebrate some form of Halloween - it's not just a Hallmark holiday that the States came up with.
One such Halloween superstition is that in the olden days (very olden days) a woman looking for a husband would put a sprig of rosemary and a sixpence under her pillow on Halloween night.
The superstition was that she would dream of her future husband that night! So, while your having your Halloween party, you'll undoubtedly have to be answering the doorbell as all the little spooks and goblins in your neighborhood come tromping up to the front door and looking for treats and handouts.
In keeping with the healthy Halloween idea, why not give out something besides sugary candy? You can still be a "cool" house to go to even if you don't serve candy.
Try out some of the ideas listed below and have a Spooky Halloween!
- Coupons from various establishments like a donut shop or an ice cream store where the parents still have control over what is ordered with the coupon.
- Sugarless gum
- Trail mix
- Corn nuts
- Peanuts
- Small packages of popcorn or pretzels
- How about a packages of sugar-free cocoa?
- Small bags of roasted pumpkin seeds
- Little pre-packaged cheese and crackers
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