The 12 Most Common Warning Signs That You Are Suffering From A Food Intolerance
Question: What is a food intolerance? Answer: The inability to fully digest a food resulting in a variety of health related symptoms! Question: If I can buy it from the supermarket, then it must be good for me, right? Answer: Wrong! Just because an item says low fat, low sugar or has the heart foundation recommendation for example doesn't make it the right food for you! Question: I eat a balanced healthy diet, so I must be eating the right foods for me? Answer: Not necessarily - you could be eating the wrong foods entirely and you could even be craving the ones that are doing the most damage! Question: What are the most common foods that people are intolerant to? Answer: Grains (wheat, corn and barley), gluten, dairy, sugar and yeast are some of the main food substance culprits.
You need to know what signs to look out for...
check out the following list! 1.
Tiredness, drowsiness, insomnia and/or no energy 2.
Frequent headaches or migraines 3.
Stomach bloating, nausea, diarrhoea, constipation, flatulence, IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) 4.
Mouth ulcers 5.
Chronic cough, bronchitis, asthma, colds and flu 6.
Eczema, psoriasis, acne and other chronic skin conditions 7.
Aching joints and/or backache 8.
Gradual weight changes (increase or decrease) 9.
Tinea or Yeast (Candida) infections 10.
Clumsiness and/or lack of co-ordination 11.
Miscarriage and/or infertility 12.
Cravings and/or addictions Important: Some you may get now and again, whilst other symptoms on the list you may have had for years.
If you could place a tick next to at least 3 of these rows you should seriously consider looking closely at your diet and examining the foods you eat to see if they could be contributing to a general level of ill health.
If you can tick most of these conditions - your next step is an elimination diet to clearly identify your trigger foods and start feeling better soon.
Before starting any radical diet change you should first consult your doctor or physician to rule out any serious diseases as these symptoms have many possible causes, yet an intolerance to one or more foods could also be causing ALL of them! When you eat foods that your body is struggling to digest your immune system is weakened leaving you prone to minor infections such as mouth ulcers, colds and yeast infections.
When your body is busy trying to digest the proteins in certain foods or lacks the correct digestive bacteria and enzymes due to an infection (e.
you have taken antibiotics) then there is little energy left to fight off real infections - put simply your body gets confused and starts to attack itself thinking it is under invasion.
Symptoms of your body attacking itself can include hayfever like reactions e.
stuffy nose, sneezing, watery eyes and headaches, even migraines.
A food intolerance can attack either your digestive or respiratory systems and often both.
The result is that you get a bloated stomach, suffer stomach cramps, flatulence and Irritable Bowel (IBS), you may suffer from constipation or diarrhoea or fluctuate between the two.
If your respiratory system is under attack then you'll likely have asthma like symptoms e.
chronic and irritating cough, wheezing, breathlessness or have a blocked nose causing you to breathe loudly and snore (you may even suffer from sleep apnoea due to swollen nasal and throat passages).
You may suffer frequent attacks of bronchitis resulting in a vicious cycle of antibiotics and illness.
Many people do not realise that their skin is an organ and can be attacked just the same way as your respiratory and digestive systems.
You get eczema, psoriasis, acne, dry skin etc so you just keep putting on the creams and using topical steroids to try and control flare-ups - imagine the money you will save if you never have to buy these again and get well from the inside.
As already mentioned a food intolerance can cause inflammatory conditions - your joints are not immune to this inflammation - so your backache and arthritis could be linked to a food intolerance.
If you struggle with weight gain or can't put weight on no matter what you eat - chances are your metabolism has been disrupted.
Undiagnosed food intolerances can trigger this upset by interfering with the function of your thyroid gland.
Your thyroid is responsible for telling your body when to turn your food into energy (burn the calories) or turn it into fat and store it for later! Imagine what happens when these signals get mixed up and confused.
Fungal infections like thrush, jock itch, ring worm or athlete's foot occurring regularly are a classic sign of a problem with yeast in your diet and are caused by your body's defences being comprised by underlying food intolerances and allowing yeast (Candida) overgrowth in your digestive system which exhibits on your bodies surface as thrush or athlete's foot.
If this is the case for you, you will need to follow a specific Candida or yeast free diet initially and kill of the infections within before testing for other intolerances (Candida lives in all our digestive tracts but is only a problem when allowed to multiply - especially after a course of antibiotics) it is a hallmark of untreated food intolerance.
Perhaps not so well known as Candida is the impact the 'wrong' food can have on your co-ordination resulting from inflammation of the nervous system.
Sufferers may appear clumsy or unco-ordinated, even to the extent of being diagnosed with dyspraxia - children are most often affected.
Switching to a correct diet and eliminating problem foods can result in dramatic improvements.
Everybody trying for a family wants to have a healthy pregnancy and a beautiful healthy baby.
Having an unchecked food intolerance can interfere with your ability to conceive and have a healthy pregnancy (applies to men and women).
Before embarking on expensive IVF treatments consider an elimination diet to see of it helps first - gluten and dairy are usually the biggest culprits.
If there are foods you absolutely cannot live without, then that is a very positive sign that you have a food intolerance or two.
Our bodies will crave the things that ultimately make us unwell as when you eat that substance the initial feeling of satisfaction can be likened to that of a drug addict getting their next fix - the initial high is always followed by a low and a subsequent craving for the next high.
So, if you could eat toasted cheese sandwiches all day every day - consider a dairy and gluten intolerance! Food intolerance is the inability to fully digest a food - producing things which disrupt normal bodily functions.
Food intolerance should never be confused with food allergy which can be a life-threatening response of the immune system called anaphylaxis.
You need to know what signs to look out for...
check out the following list! 1.
Tiredness, drowsiness, insomnia and/or no energy 2.
Frequent headaches or migraines 3.
Stomach bloating, nausea, diarrhoea, constipation, flatulence, IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) 4.
Mouth ulcers 5.
Chronic cough, bronchitis, asthma, colds and flu 6.
Eczema, psoriasis, acne and other chronic skin conditions 7.
Aching joints and/or backache 8.
Gradual weight changes (increase or decrease) 9.
Tinea or Yeast (Candida) infections 10.
Clumsiness and/or lack of co-ordination 11.
Miscarriage and/or infertility 12.
Cravings and/or addictions Important: Some you may get now and again, whilst other symptoms on the list you may have had for years.
If you could place a tick next to at least 3 of these rows you should seriously consider looking closely at your diet and examining the foods you eat to see if they could be contributing to a general level of ill health.
If you can tick most of these conditions - your next step is an elimination diet to clearly identify your trigger foods and start feeling better soon.
Before starting any radical diet change you should first consult your doctor or physician to rule out any serious diseases as these symptoms have many possible causes, yet an intolerance to one or more foods could also be causing ALL of them! When you eat foods that your body is struggling to digest your immune system is weakened leaving you prone to minor infections such as mouth ulcers, colds and yeast infections.
When your body is busy trying to digest the proteins in certain foods or lacks the correct digestive bacteria and enzymes due to an infection (e.
you have taken antibiotics) then there is little energy left to fight off real infections - put simply your body gets confused and starts to attack itself thinking it is under invasion.
Symptoms of your body attacking itself can include hayfever like reactions e.
stuffy nose, sneezing, watery eyes and headaches, even migraines.
A food intolerance can attack either your digestive or respiratory systems and often both.
The result is that you get a bloated stomach, suffer stomach cramps, flatulence and Irritable Bowel (IBS), you may suffer from constipation or diarrhoea or fluctuate between the two.
If your respiratory system is under attack then you'll likely have asthma like symptoms e.
chronic and irritating cough, wheezing, breathlessness or have a blocked nose causing you to breathe loudly and snore (you may even suffer from sleep apnoea due to swollen nasal and throat passages).
You may suffer frequent attacks of bronchitis resulting in a vicious cycle of antibiotics and illness.
Many people do not realise that their skin is an organ and can be attacked just the same way as your respiratory and digestive systems.
You get eczema, psoriasis, acne, dry skin etc so you just keep putting on the creams and using topical steroids to try and control flare-ups - imagine the money you will save if you never have to buy these again and get well from the inside.
As already mentioned a food intolerance can cause inflammatory conditions - your joints are not immune to this inflammation - so your backache and arthritis could be linked to a food intolerance.
If you struggle with weight gain or can't put weight on no matter what you eat - chances are your metabolism has been disrupted.
Undiagnosed food intolerances can trigger this upset by interfering with the function of your thyroid gland.
Your thyroid is responsible for telling your body when to turn your food into energy (burn the calories) or turn it into fat and store it for later! Imagine what happens when these signals get mixed up and confused.
Fungal infections like thrush, jock itch, ring worm or athlete's foot occurring regularly are a classic sign of a problem with yeast in your diet and are caused by your body's defences being comprised by underlying food intolerances and allowing yeast (Candida) overgrowth in your digestive system which exhibits on your bodies surface as thrush or athlete's foot.
If this is the case for you, you will need to follow a specific Candida or yeast free diet initially and kill of the infections within before testing for other intolerances (Candida lives in all our digestive tracts but is only a problem when allowed to multiply - especially after a course of antibiotics) it is a hallmark of untreated food intolerance.
Perhaps not so well known as Candida is the impact the 'wrong' food can have on your co-ordination resulting from inflammation of the nervous system.
Sufferers may appear clumsy or unco-ordinated, even to the extent of being diagnosed with dyspraxia - children are most often affected.
Switching to a correct diet and eliminating problem foods can result in dramatic improvements.
Everybody trying for a family wants to have a healthy pregnancy and a beautiful healthy baby.
Having an unchecked food intolerance can interfere with your ability to conceive and have a healthy pregnancy (applies to men and women).
Before embarking on expensive IVF treatments consider an elimination diet to see of it helps first - gluten and dairy are usually the biggest culprits.
If there are foods you absolutely cannot live without, then that is a very positive sign that you have a food intolerance or two.
Our bodies will crave the things that ultimately make us unwell as when you eat that substance the initial feeling of satisfaction can be likened to that of a drug addict getting their next fix - the initial high is always followed by a low and a subsequent craving for the next high.
So, if you could eat toasted cheese sandwiches all day every day - consider a dairy and gluten intolerance! Food intolerance is the inability to fully digest a food - producing things which disrupt normal bodily functions.
Food intolerance should never be confused with food allergy which can be a life-threatening response of the immune system called anaphylaxis.