Drupal Theme Customization to Find It on Your Space
If you are an enthusiastic CSS web designer, looking forward to design and develop themes without any issues with the PHP codes or so, then few versions of Drupal can fetch your needs.
A drupal theme customization as expected is not a tough task but an easy one if one holds some enough knowledge in the field.
Creating a CSS site with drupal is hitting fast and so any individual willing to customize his/her site on the basis of Drupal can simply have an idea on the following as they can help in making the most The Theme Engine: A theme engine is a default drupal theme engine, where interactions with the drupal core and the created themes can be found.
The files generally found in these theme engines contain HTML skeletons and PHP statements that can help in the development of dynamic data.
In order to understand a theme engine, one should have some knowledge in both PHP and HTML programmes.
A folder and an.
info file: Creating a drupal theme can begin with a folder.
A folder in which one can place all the drupal files is a must do thing even before getting started.
It must be given a name in lowercase and should be created in the directory.
Then a dot info file to pass on the info to drupal about your theme development.
The number of files found in a folder determines the complexity of the theme.
A theme created in these folders holds a provision for the addition of style sheets and other regions, which are nothing more but the lay out for your theme that can include some regions and graphic designs of the page generally created as a.
CSS file.
Know and Design to suit your standards: A CSS only theme is fun to create as it doesn't include much hard work but simple and clear knowledge in the areas of concern.
In order to design and create a theme that can cater to the needs, one should understand the functioning of the theme, its various components both the priority and the optional elements, for a better theme design.
In general about a Drupal Theme: All a drupal theme is composed of few PHP files, a CSS file and an info file.
These files in general can include the ones that provide information about the theme, its colour, background, main template with the page content, files with content of nodes, blocks, logo files, files to make and modify the content in the comments, account settings and a CSS file that can set the CSS rules of the template.
After all drupal theme customization is simply the interest of the individual willing to use it on their sites.
Therefore, if you are among those finding drupal and its theme customizing catching your interest, the above information can allow you to make the best of it and develop some striking themes that can stand unique among the lot.