Characteristics of Black Mold
- Mold is everywhere. It is on plants and soil; we use it to brew beer and wine and bake our bread. However, there are some types that grows where they're not wanted, causing harmful health effects. The mold about which to be most concerned is black mold. Knowing the characteristics of black mold can help you not only to identify it, but to take steps in eliminating it.
- One of the first characteristics of black mold is its distinctive smell. If you smell a mustiness that is similar to the wet, dead leaves of fall, then you may have black mold.
- Black mold is not just black in color. While the black is predominate, it can also be mixed with some green as well. It can also appear slimy.
- While the mold may not be visible, you can look for other signs that are also a characteristic of this mold. If the drywall appears to have pinkish stains, that is a sign of a colony of black mold behind it. These stains can also be yellowish in color.