Why Natural Penis Enlargement Exercises Are the Best Methods to Increase Size
Surgery is a serious procedure and costs several thousand dollars and even then you're only increasing maybe an inch or two in length alone.
Penis weights are very risky and dangerous and can cause erectile dysfunction and permanent nerve damage as well as impotence so practically any medical professional whom you talk to will advise against this method.
Penis supplements and patches just plain don't work but are still conning billions of dollars out of desperate men around the world every year.
This is where exercises come in.
Let's take a look at why natural penis enlargement exercise is the best way to increase penis size hands down to get the gains which you want.
The natural penis enlargement exercise is based on the fact that a lot of men with smaller penises simply are not able to hold their true capacity, let alone the same amount of blood in the chambers and tissues of their penises as men with naturally larger penises.
The chambers and tissues of the penis fill with blood during an erection, so these exercises work to increase that potential and you see gains both when flaccid and when erect.
These exercises are very specific and there are a number of different ones which make up a greater natural penis enlargement exercise workout which you perform in different areas around the penis to send more blood to the tissues and chambers so that they learn to adapt to those greater capacities and from then on they are able to engorge with more blood at all times, not just when you are erect.
That's not to say that you can start yanking anywhere down there and expect results.
Again these are very specific exercises and there is a great deal of literature out there to show men how to effectively perform them to get the most out of them in the shortest amount of time.
Eventually there is a maximum capacity which you'll reach, but these exercises affect both length and girth until you realize that.
Plus other obvious advantages are that you can do them in the comfort of your own home, it's completely safe and natural and you don't have to go about paying out the nose for supplements or surgery.