How to Disable Spotlight Indexing in Sharepoint
- 1). Log into your system and click the "Apple" menu, then choose "System Preferences..." from the drop-down menu to launch "System Preferences."
- 2). Click the "Spotlight" icon under the "Personal" section. A list of categories will display. These correspond to all the information that Spotlight has indexed and currently searches for.
- 3). Deselect the check box that corresponds to "SharePoint," then select the "Privacy" tab.
- 4). Click the "+" sign. A browse window will open. Select the "SharePoint" folder you wish to disable for indexing and click "Choose." Close the window. Spotlight will no longer index SharePoint documents.
- 5). Click the "Finder" icon on your dock to open "Finder." Go to "Macintosh HD," "Applications," then "Utilities," and double-click "Terminal." Allow for the "Terminal" window to load.
- 6). Type the command "sudo mdutil -i off /path_to_volume" (without quotations) at the command prompt, and press "Enter." Note: the "path_to_volume" should be the actual path where "SharePoint" is located on your computer. For example, "sudo mdutil -i off /Users/myusername/documents/sharepoint"
- 7). Type "exit" at the command prompt and press "Enter." Quit the "Terminal" application. Spotlight will no longer index SharePoint.