Most Dangerous Side Effects of ED Pills
The most dangerous side effects of ED pills can come in a number of different forms, and here we will discuss them so you can avoid or at least educate yourself about the risk you will be taking by starting a new medication.
Due to how the medication works on your body to fix your erectile problems the risk of heart attack is completely unavoidable.
The medication relaxes and constricts the muscles, which also explains the tightness in the chest people who are on the pills experience.
And when these valves constrict and the blood vessels dilate, it becomes entirely possible for the blood vessels to be unable to flow through, and because of this problems are caused that can prove to be very dangerous.
This is said first and most importantly because interestingly enough there are no other side effects which are clearly listed which means that the percentage of those who were affected by them was not large enough to make it necessary to place warnings for other conditions on the label.