How to Use Twitter to Enhance Your Resume
Yes, we can use these mediums in searching for jobs. Yes, employers will look at our social media accounts to gauge the type of person we may or may not be. Our ideals, opinions, and yes the salacious items we may never want an employer to see. Social media could be a negative to us if we do not use it properly.
Here are a few critical "How To's" to effectively use social media in getting us our Job! I have coached people through Get My Mom A Job the effective ways to use social media, and here are my tips.
1. NEVER. Never use your account whether it be Twitter or FaceBook for both business and pleasure. You must keep your worlds separate. Employers do not need to know the "hottest" party of the weekend. Nor do they need to know intimate details of our marriage or relationship. You should have one account for family and friends, and the other for business networking opportunities ONLY.
2. WHAT YOU SAY. What you say in your account, is more important than how often you say it. If I was a sales person, engineer, teacher, administrator, I would talk about those things. What is happening in the industry. Sharing articles, quotes, reviews, facts, discussion topics. Show your potential employer the depth of your knowledge beyond what they may see on your resume or in an interview. The more you share on a business or intellectual side, the more substance you have put behind your resume or interview. Show off your stuff!!
3. WHO YOU FOLLOW. Who you follow is just as critical as the number. Following comics, porn people, athletes does NOTHING to help you. Follow like minded people from your industry. Gaining followers or friends is only important if they are real, active, and like minded. Employers will look and see who your friends and followers are to gauge the audience in which you interact with. Make sure you are following and being followed by the RIGHT people out of your accounts! It will also show your employer you know how to properly network online and offline!
4. RAVING FANS. If you have a ton of retweets or an active participant in a group on FaceBook, and people are loving what you say, make sure it is recognizable in your time line or on your FaceBook profile. If you have raving fans, then make it to where your potential employer can see these highlighted messages! In fact, you should include these on your resume. Use the positive friend comments or retweets in the reference section of your resume!! It will make a gigantic difference!!