Should I Get a Pool or a Hot Tub?
- The first thing to consider when deciding whether you want a pool or a hot tub is what you plan on doing with it. If you want a place to sit and relax after work, a hot tub is a great addition to your home. If you are buying the new addition to give your kids a place to swim and play and yourself a place to exercise, you would be better off with a larger, roomier swimming pool. If you plan on having lots of people over to use your pool or hot tub, you want to make sure the model you purchase will be large enough to fit everyone comfortably.
- Pools are significantly larger than hot tubs, so if you only have a limited amount of space on your porch or in your yard, you will need to take space into consideration when deciding between a pool and a hot tub. A pool is going to take up a lot more room than a hot tub. In-ground pools also require construction equipment to be able to get into your yard for installation. A hot tub is smaller and easier to fit onto a porch or in a small yard.
- In general, swimming pools are more expensive than hot tubs to install and maintain. Swimming pools require a considerable amount of water, chemicals, maintenance and electricity, for both running the pump and heating the pool if you live in a cool climate. Hot tubs are smaller and generally cost less to purchase and maintain. Costs will vary depending on the model you select, the size of the pool or hot tub and the area you live in.
- Personal preference will affect your choice between a pool or a hot tub. You should select the item you expect to get the most enjoyment and usage out of. In some cases, you may opt to purchase a swimming pool that has a built-in hot tub.