How to Prevent Algae From Forming in the Swimming Pool
However along with pool ownership comes the responsibility of good maintenance.
Algae is the most common type of water problem with backyard pools.
There are ways to properly get rid of algae and prevent it from occurring in your pool.
It is easiest to understand how to prevent algae in your swimming pool by first knowing more about what it is and how it lives.
Algae are living organisms that are very tiny.
Algae are plants that produce and multiply very quickly under the right conditions.
When you can see algae they have already multiplied quite a bit.
They tend to form larger clumps and start to stick to the surfaces of the pool such as the sides and bottom.
You'll notice a slippery feel to the surfaces where algae are present.
Algae live and breed in warm water that is not chemically treated.
You've probably noticed an abundance of algae living in lakes.
Untreated algae will continue to multiply and will eventually take over your entire pool.
Algae are particularly sturdy and survive and thrive in a variety of conditions.
The best way to control algae is to prevent it from occurring by using good pool maintenance.
Good pool maintenance starts with checking the water.
This should be done on a daily basis in the summer.
The test kit is easy to use.
Most have a simple water chamber - just hold the tester under the water's surface and turn the device over to get a water sample.
Once you have the sample test it by adding the recommended test drops to the water.
Match the water color to determine what chemicals need to be added to the pool.
The swimming pool filter and pump will help to keep the water aerated and will filter many of the contaminants out of the Algae are the food for bugs that can live in your pool.
If you have an algae problem you may also have bugs.
Ideally you need to stop the chain by providing clear and clean water that is free from contaminants.
Make sure that your filter and pump are functioning properly and that they are properly sized for your pool.
Make certain that the filter is cleaned or changed on a regular basis.
A dirty filter won't do much in keeping your pool clean.
Skim and vacuum your pool on a daily basis.
Leaves and other debris that fall into the pool will decay and become food for algae.
Proper chemical balance is important to pool maintenance.
Your pool needs to have a proper PH (alkalinity) for clear results.
Regularly adding chlorine is important but you also may need to periodically add other chemicals.
Different conditions can create changes in your pool water chemistry so be certain to check it after it rains or after a hot spell.
If you are having trouble stabilizing your PH take a sample of your water to your local swimming pool shop for testing.
They can advise on precisely what is needed to get your pool issues resolved.
Special algaecides can be added to quickly reduce algae growth.
If you have a stubborn case of algae start by cleaning and scrubbing the pool sides and bottom and vacuuming.
You may need to change the filter quite often.
Then, add super shock to the pool.
This is a strong mix of chemicals including chlorine that is designed to quickly stop algae growth immediately.
Don't swim in the pool for at least 24 hours after adding the shock treatment.
This should help to get you started again with a crystal clear pool.