How to Prepare New Flower Beds
- 1). Loosen the soil in your intended flower bed with the shovel. Use the tiller to break up the soil and dig deeper. Dig down 6 to 12 inches, working backwards and forwards over the whole garden with the machine. Remove all weeds.
- 2). Layer peat moss, compost and other organic materials on the loosened soil. Use the tiller to incorporate this material into the soil. Continue tilling until all of the material in the soil is the same size and consistency.
- 3). Rake the soil level. Take care not to step on the loosened material. Pressure will cause the soil to compact and defeat all the hard work you just performed.
- 1). Dig a hole approximately twice the size of the plant container. Sprinkle a handful of organic material in the bottom of the hole.
- 2). Place the plant in the center of the hole and back fill until it is level with the ground. Continue with all plants.
- 3). Sprinkle fertilizer on the soil around the plants, taking care to keep fertilizer off plant leaves. Water thoroughly. New flower beds should be watered two to three times per week, depending on rainfall.