Ventricles – Collects and releases blood from atria
There are three types of atrial fibrillation; they are longstanding persistent atrial fibrillation, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and persistent atrial fibrillation. In paroxysmal type the electrical rhythm starts suddenly which the heart rate increases and later it stops on its own. The patient can experience some symptoms both mild and severe which remain for few hours or days. When an individual is diagnosed to persistent type, he or she has to take some medication to stop the artial fibrillation. In longstanding persistent a person gets permanent atrial fibrillation, paroxysmal and persistent is frequently occurring one or more times to a person. To avoid this types there are treatments available in wide range to cure and control the rhythm of heart. For atrial fibrillation treatment on a patient it depends on which type of atrial fibrillation he or she is diagnosed.
some has to go for general practitioner that is physicians to care and while some of them require the treatment from cardiologist. For atrial fibrillation treatment there are medications to control this anti arrhythmic problem in human heart. The normal heart rhythm and heart rate can be controlled and restored due to the available drugs. Before taking this drugs a patient should know the side effects or does the patient is allergic to it, then only this drugs should be consumed. The best atrial fibrillation treatment is one should keep a diet and should not consume oily foods which increase cholesterol. When an individual is diagnosed to this problem then an immediate check up is necessary to family doctor who will recommend you to cardiologist. The above post is about what is atrial fibrillation and the symptoms on it to understand how the heart functions and what can be the affects if a person is caused to it.