Business for Sale - Try Network Marketing
Getting started in a network marketing business is fairly easy and allows you to own your own business with a lot fewer headaches than opening a "brick and mortar" business and a lot lower start-up cost than buying a franchise.
Pros oMuch more cost effective-no need to buy or rent a building, no added utility expenses, furniture, etc.
oSaves time-no need to reinvent the wheel.
Most companies have a system in place and the new network marketing business owner simply needs to follow the program the way their sponsor teaches them.
oSaves money-no need to develop business materials or logos.
The network marketing company has already created all the advertising materials you need and will provide them to you for a minimal cost.
oDecreased learning curve-most network marketing companies have some type of training system in place.
There is no need to learn from trial and error, simply do what other successful people in that company have done and you are likely to achieve the same level of success.
oNo employees-you don't pay anyone else and you don't have to be anyone else's boss.
oUnlimited earning potential.
oYou aren't tied to the business-with a brick and mortar business, you really have to be working at it or watching it all of the time.
A network marketing business can work for you even while you are on vacation.
oYou are your own boss-you decide how to spend your time, your success or failure is totally up to you.
Great for independent, motivated self-starters.
Cons oLess tangible-sometimes because of the simplicity of the whole thing or the lack of a building and huge expenses people fail to take their network marketing business as seriously as they should.
This accounts for a huge percentage of the "failures" in the network marketing industry (right behind lack of motivation).
oLess accountability-most people fund the very low start-up costs out of their own pocket and therefore do not have a bank to answer to or a loan to repay.
Choosing not to work as hard as you should does not carry the same, often devastating, consequences as buying a traditional business for sale.
oYou are your own boss-you decide how to spend your time, your success or failure is totally up to you.
Not so great if you are lacking in direction or motivation.
As you can see, the pros far outweigh the cons when comparing a network marketing business to buying a brick and mortar business for sale.
The right business opportunity for you may very well be just a mouse click away, as there are thousands of reputable and profitable network marketing companies on the internet.