No Fax Payday LoansQuick Cash During Emergencies Without Faxing
If you apply for these loans online, you will not be asked by the money lender to send/fax in any documents pertaining to your application. As these are very short term loans, you can avail them without many formalities. If the loan amount is less than $500, the money lenders often leave out the verification part too. To be eligible for the no fax payday loans, you need to be a resident of US above 18 years of age, with a regular income and an active checking account.
The amount of loan sanctioned is based on your repayment capacity, that is, your total monthly income. It is better to include all sources of income in the monthly income field so that you can easily get the sum you want. You may be doing some part time job in addition to your regular job or may be getting some money by renting out your house. You need not worry if you carry a bad credit. As the loans are for a very short term, the money lenders do not care about the credit score you are carrying.
You can get anything from $300 to $1500 under the no fax payday loans. Though your credit score does not affect your loan approval, if you have a strong credit, you can ask for higher amounts of loan. While the normal repayment period of such loans is 5 days to 31 days, banking on your strong credit score, you may ask for a longer period.