Dangers of Parabens
Others tell of the dangers of parabens in using beauty products.
Why are parabens potentially harmful? Just read on to find out why...
First off, the chemical structure of parabens is strikingly similar to the hormone estrogen.
When paraben-made products are applied to your skin, they're absorbed into your body through the pores, into the bloodstream and may be mistaken for estrogen.
Such a process disrupts your hormonal system.
That's one reason why many medical professionals are putting the spotlight on the dangers of parabens in cosmetics.
Secondly, too much estrogen can cause a host of problems, including weight gain, fluid retention and even depression.
That's the main reason why some ask: are parabens bad? Here's where the controversy heats up.
Parabens to be been linked to several hormone-related diseases, including breast cancer, abnormal fetal development in pregnant women, and even the abnormal development of male reproductive systems.
For example, researchers in the United Kingdom detected parabens in 18 of 20 breast cancer tumors they studied.
You can see the scary link between parabens and breast cancer.
The experts say it's because the disruptors interfere with the body's endocrine system, which includes our hypothalamus, ovaries, and thyroid.
Overall, that's pretty much every system in the body.
Third, the dangers of parabens can affect women who are pregnant.
The demand for make-up and skin creams is so strong that manufacturers will use harmful ingredients just the make them have more shelf life or a better smell.
When it comes to applying such products on your skin it calls into question the long-term exposure on the skin.
Not to mention the fact that anything that you put on your skin will get under the skin and potentially reach the fetus.
Keep in mind there is some debate on the low levels use of parabens over many years.
The question many are focusing on is the accumulation of parabens with the body tissue.
The fourth reason to steer clear of parabens is they can cause skin rashes or allergic reactions.
This area is really where you can see firsthand the effects of chemicals in facial products.
There are parabens bad for every day use on the skin and others will only have an effect on your skin over time.
But someone with sensitive skin and prone to allergies can have a very immediate reaction to a paraben-laden product.
Even something as simple as clogging your pores could be problematic in a person with sensitive skin.
A product with natural ingredients can eliminate this occurrence.
Reason five includes something called contact dermatitis.
Such a localized rash or irritation of the skin is caused by contact with a foreign substance-namely parabens.
Only the superficial regions of the skin are affected in contact dermatitis.
Inflammation of the affected tissue typically appears in the epidermis and the outer portion of the skin.
Lastly, the really debilitating dangers of parabens is when contact dermatitis results in somewhat large, burning, and itchy rashes, and these can take sometimes weeks to heal.
So really be careful what you put on your skin, including parabens.