Five Tips on Dealing With People Anxiety
It is often a misunderstood problem and even many Doctors mis-diagnose anxiety as depression.
People anxiety can really hinder lives, because it can make it difficult for people to travel, be in crowded places such as malls, restaurants, or movies, hang out with friends, or even leave their home.
Once a person starts having feelings of anxiety, they usually start to isolate themselves to non-threatening situations.
If this continues, it can lead to agoraphobia.
If you are someone that you love struggles with anxiety, here are five tips to help you deal with this issue.
Tip #1: Visit your Doctor and don't just accept the diagnosis of depression without doing your own research or questioning your doctor.
You can try anti-anxiety medications to see if they work for you.
It may take a few medication changes to find the one that works best.
Be patient in your search.
Although the situation seems like it will never end, it can.
You just have to keep a positive outlook on the situation and continually fight the anxiety.
Once you resolve that "this is just how I am or how thing will be," you will be allowing people anxiety to take control over your life.
Tip #2: The most effective way to recover from people anxiety disorder is to use psychotherapy.
You can take cognitive behavioral therapy and if you follow the therapy you will be able to see great results.
Many people suffer from this disorder, so don't feel embarrassed or alone.
Tip #3: Learn some new relaxation and mediation techniques.
Breathing deeply, yoga, exercise and many other techniques can help you cope with people anxiety symptoms.
Tip #4: Take it slow.
You can choose to expose yourself to social situations gradually.
At your own pace, it can be highly effective to force yourself to be social.
Try meeting a friend for lunch, go to some public places, talk with someone you don't usually talk that will cause you to be more comfortable talking with others over time.
Be patient with yourself, as this can be a slow process.
Never stop trying to be with people.
If you retreat into this illness, you will let it take control of your life.
Tip #5: It may be helpful for you to join a social anxiety support group.
People that have your same problem interact with each other and share their experiences and results on what is actually working for them and what they do to cope with their symptoms.
If you want to read the experiences of other people you can also find online forums for social people anxiety.