Relationship Break Up Advice - How to Deal With a Break Up
Sure some people handle it better than others, and some take longer than others to get over a relationship.
What most people don't understand however, is that the secret to getting your ex back is to learn about letting go of a relationship.
By trying to hold on to a connection you once had, you are forcing things to happen in a manner that isn't natural, which never works.
Things need to be natural or people tend to get scared off.
You will only appear desperate if you try to force things to happen with your ex.
You need to give it some time and focus on other aspects of your life.
This doesn't mean that you have to give up hope.
The secret is to change your life for the better.
You need to invest in yourself and increase your self worth.
This is what ultimately creates a connection between two people.
When one person sees certain qualities in another that they deem valuable, they become naturally interested in that person.
Your goal now is to build up your qualities.
You need to focus on getting away from your ex and give yourself some time to learn something new and make some changes in your life.
Get to the gym and stick to a strict routine.
Get started on a new business.
Just do something you have always thought about.
Wait for your ex to contact you, never contact your ex.
If your ex doesn't contact you then it wasn't meant to be.
Don't worry if a lot of time hasn't passed.
It will seem like an eternity, but in reality a month apart with no contact isn't really that much time.
If they ever cared about you truly, then they will call, and when that time comes the ball will be in your court.