Finding Information on Planet X 2012, NASA Wont Tell You Anything
But how did we get to all of this talk and information that suggests that we are staring down the barrel of our last days on Earth? What do the powers that be have to say about this? If I was wanting to find information on Planet X 2012, NASA would be my first stop.
There is no doubt that if you are looking for information on Planet X 2012, NASA would have to be the leading body that would have all the latest developments and information that would confirm or deny that there is any such threat.
NASA has stated that all planets get the general name of Planet X until they are officially identified and appropriately named.
The theory that Planet X will collide with planet Earth in 2012 is a subject that NASA does not discuss at length.
Could it be the reason why there is very little documentation and few comments on Planet X 2012, NASA has given, is because they are covering the real danger and truth up? Could it be that if they were to admit that there is a real threat that our planet will be destroyed would change the way we live our lives today so dramatically that to admit it would mean complete anarchy and chaos? Think about it.
If there really was the threat that we were heading for our ultimate end because of a collision with Planet X 2012, NASA would be foolish to tell the population.
Why would you continue to live like a law abiding citizen when in a couple of years time there will be no world left for us to inhabit.
Anarchy would reign supreme! People would rack up debts that they could never repay because at the end of the world, there is no one to pay the debt to.
Being a law unto yourself would soon become the norm and people would seek out revenge upon others, would fail to turn up to work - because lets face it, who wants to spend the last couple of years of life WORKING?? This would clearly result in whole economies going belly up and the world grinding to a mind thudding halt.
If there truly is a threat to the world and its ongoing existence I cannot honestly see that we will be given any warning at all about Planet X in 2012.
For the government to do so would be profoundly counter productive and a ludicrous suggestion.
If we are to learn anything about what is to come for our planet, we will need to research the information ourselves and gain an opinion from this knowledge.
Only through our own efforts will we ever know the truth apart from actually living the moment in 2012.