Proper Military Salute
- According to the Alaska State Defense Force, it is important to keep your shoulders straight and arms at your side before beginning the salute. The first step is to turn the body, head and eyes toward the person or flag. This is done in a crisp, smart motion. Keep eye contact with the object of your salute until he completes the action as well. A steady gaze is just as important as the proper hand position and posture.
- With a beret or without headgear, the proper hand position is with your right forefinger just above the right eyebrow, on the edge near your ear. Always use your right hand and keep your fingers together with your arm at a 45 degree angle. With headgear, place your right forefinger just above and to the right of your right eye. To finish the salute, bring your hand down to your side but don't hit your leg. Control your movements carefully at all times. A sloppy salute is a sign of personal disrespect as well as disrespect for the person or flag you are saluting.
- Besides greeting one another, military personnel should salute during the raising and lowering of flags at reveille and retreat ceremonies, the pledge of allegiance to the flag or the national anthem outdoors, or to greet officers of friendly foreign nations. A salute is also used to turn over control of formations, to render reports and during the sounding of honors.
- The Alaska State Defense force states that a salute is never to be conducted indoors, except when reporting to an officer or when serving as a guard in a building. It is not necessary for military personnel to exchange a salute when in civilian clothes or in an inappropriate or impractical situation (in crowded public areas, while operating machinery, etc). Members of the armed forces are also not required to salute when they are prisoners.