Male Enhancers
A small or average sized penis can affect a man in many different ways, from feeling inadequate to feeling less manly.
For this reason, many men are drawn to penis enlargement techniques found in different medical markets and internet sites.
Little do they know that many of these male enhancers can lead to harmful side effects and in most cases, they are really ineffective.
The truth about the different male enhancer methods is often hidden from patients.
Many male enhancement websites will advertise their products with fraudulent testimonies from patients who never existed but conceal the numerous complaints from real patients who have experienced the harmful effects caused by using their products.
Our objective is to present the truth about the different male enhancement methods available in the market today.
Hopefully, at the end of this article, many men would have changed their minds about purchasing these products and would have responsibly made the correct choice.
Penis Pills A significant majority of male enhancer pills constitute a mix of herbal ingredients.
Most of those contain ingredients such as Korean red ginseng root or muira puama extract.
These herbs, however, are still simple herbs.
They do not have a permanent effect on the size of the penis.
Although, in some cases, they may provide a temporary boost to erections, this effect wears off as soon as the immune system takes over.
Other penis enlargement pills contain heavy synthetic ingredients and are advertised to be effective.
These pills, however, cause serious side-effects and can be harmful to the body after prolonged use.
Penis (vacuum) pump A penis pump is a plastic cylinder that is put over the penis in order to create vacuum around it using suction techniques.
This male enhancer technique is great for making the penis look bigger but only temporarily.
It can also dangerous if not used carefully.
Overuse of this gadget can cause blood vessels in the penis to pop or the testicles to get sucked into the cylinder, casing terrific pain and injury.
Weights Stretching and hanging are two PE methods wherein weights are attached to the penis to enable growth.
These male enhancer extender devices are used to lengthen and widen the penis if worn for 4 to 8 hours every day.
The drawbacks of these methods, however, include a thinner penis and lesser ability to achieve or maintain an erection.
These methods can also cause decrease in blood circulation to the penis, which can lead to serious problems including tissue damage.
Penis Enlargement Surgery For more length, a doctor will usually cut the ligaments that attach the penis to the pelvic bone and then move the penis outward.
This gains a man only about an inch of length.
Risk of infection is always an issue in this procedure as the penis becomes less stable when no longer anchored to the bone.
For more width, fat is usually injected into the penis.
Unfortunately the fat does not stay as it gradually melts away.
Surgical male enhancer methods are always invasive and can cause permanent damage to the male organ.