What Is Needed to Remove Grass Stains From Socks?
- Rubbing laundry detergent directly onto the stain will be highly effective in removing grass stains from socks, and many times this method may be sufficient to remove the stain entirely. When a stain occurs, soak the socks in cold water, then scrub with powdered or liquid laundry detergent. Repeat as necessary until the stains are removed, then launder as usual in a cold-water cycle. Do not use hot water or heat until the stain has been removed completely, as this can set the stain in for good.
- A combination of bleach and hydrogen peroxide works effectively to remove grass stains from white socks and to restore their bright white color. When a stain occurs, mix 3 cups cold water, 1 cup bleach and 1 cup hydrogen peroxide. Soak for an hour or so, then launder as usual on a cold-water cycle to remove any remaining stain.
- Distilled white vinegar is another way to remove grass stains from socks, and is available at any grocery store for a few dollars per bottle. When grass stains develop, mix equal parts of cold water and white vinegar in a dish or basin. Soak the socks for an hour, then launder as you normally would in a cold-water cycle to remove any remaining stain.
- Isopropyl rubbing alcohol is another effective way to remove grass stains from socks. Soak a sponge or cloth in the alcohol, then work into the stains. Add an optional spoonful of liquid or powdered dish detergent for an added cleaning element. Repeat as necessary until the stains are removed, then launder as you normally would in a cold-water wash cycle.