How to Enlarge Your Penis Naturally - Exercises to Dramatically Increase Penis Size
Whether it's length or thickness you are after, enlarging your penis naturally is indeed possible.
If you want to discover how to enlarge your penis naturally you probably already know the cold hard truth.
Most women will snicker that penis size is not important but while our backs are turned it seems to be the first thing they discuss with their friends! If it really didn't matter you would think these talks wouldn't be common place! The sad truth is that most surveys indicate that most women would prefer if their partners penis was either longer, thicker of both! Let's look at how to enlarge your penis naturally today.
The best way to discover how to enlarge your penis naturally is to understand some basic anatomy.
Penis pills and devices seem to only give temporary results and come with great risk.
You should avoid these quick fixes as their are much better alternatives to enlarge your penis naturally.
Your penis is made up of a soft spongy tissue.
The name of this tissue is called the Corpus Cavernosum.
This tissue is what allows your penis to fill and hold blood.
This spongy tissue can not be increase with surgery but exercise techniques can expand it, the most used technique is called Jelqing.
Jelqing has been around for thousands of years.
There are countless cultures outside the western world who have used Jelqing to increase the size of their penis.
Learning how to enlarge your penis naturally with Jelqing is simple.
Jelqing is performed to force more blood into your penis by expanding the soft spongy tissue of the Corpus Cavernosum.
By performing Jeqling daily you can progressively force more blood into the Corpus Cavernosum forcing it to adapt to this added stress.
It is perfectly safe when performed correctly.
Jelqing will not only dramatically increase the length of your penis but girth also, this is one of the biggest complaints and concerns of men and women, penis thickness plays a huge part! It is very common to see results between 1-4 inches within a few short months.
Remember, these techniques are completely natural you must exercise a bit of patience as you will not see results overnight, but you will be shocked at the results.