How to Find the Best Small Business Web Hosting Services
If you are looking for the right small business hosting company, you must take a few things into consideration, one of which is the nature of your business. If you intend to develop a simple informational website about your business, you won't need a very complex website with a very complicated backend. Perhaps a basic hosting plan would do, after all, the support your website needs will not be too demanding. On the other hand, if you intend to build a fully-functional e-commerce website which you will use for promotional and marketing purposes. An e-commerce website often contains an online store (or e-store, as others put it) and a secure payment processing system for your customers.
Looking for the best small business web hosting is a challenge in itself...
...But just because looking for the right hosting provider is challenging doesn't mean it's impossible. There are many hosting providers online that can provide you with the most affordable packages; however, not all of them are as good as they say. As an entrepreneur, you must choose the right hosting package and hosting provider carefully.
When looking for the best small business web hosting provider, make sure you go through their hosting packages and features thoroughly. It is wiser to choose a hosting provider that can provide you with all the features you see yourself using instead of a hosting provider that lists down a plethora of features and yet, you cannot use them.
The best small business web hosting companies today provide the best products at low costs:
1. High-percentage up-time. The ideal average up-time should be somewhere between 98% to 100%. Always look for the Webhosting Stuff seal on every hosting company's website to verify the uptime rate.
2. One-click auto-installation tools. Tools such as Fantastico, Elefante Scripts, and the like are what we would describe one-click auto-installation system packages. They make it easier for anyone to set-up a website with a click of a button. It is ideal to choose a web hosting provider that gives you free access to any of these tools.
3. Free website builder. Let's be real, not all website owners know how to design their websites and pretty much rely on WYSIWYG website builders. Always look for free website builders in any web hosting package you are eyeing because these tools will help you make your job easier for you, designer or not.
4. Safe backend. One way to find out if a server provider is indeed safe is to look for the WebHosting Stuff "Hosting Code of Ethics" gold seal.