How to Deal With a Small Penis - Tactics You Can Use For a Less Than Average Sized Penis
With the popularity of pornography, we are led to think that every guy out there has large size going for him.
But small penis size is very common and there are definitely effective tactics you can use to deal with it.
Here's some great tactics to employ for dealing with small penis size: 1.
Give it a shake.
This is a must-do tactic for small penis size.
Whenever you are stripping down or going nude with others around (whether this be in the bedroom with a new lover, the gym locker room, or the doctors office with attractive nurses), give your penis a few shakes to "wake him up".
Every guy no matter the size suffers from "shrinkage", due to cold air passing through your crotch area or tight underwear causing our package to get all scrunched up.
Shaking your penis around a bit will wake him up, get him out of the scrunched up state, and even increase size as well.
Obviously we are NOT shooting for erect size, just some added, temporary flacid size.
NOTE:Believe it or not, this is actually a technique used by male adult performers before the cameras get turned on.
They want to appear as naturally large as possible before the shoot.
Thrust and Move During Sex.
Guys with extremely large size rarely have to do anything during sex, since their penis is so big and extra thrusting is usually too painful for the average woman.
So guys with average or below average size need to really work on thrusting and moving their penis around during sex to please women.
This is actually a big plus and women LOVE it when you are getting into it.
Some woman will say that it's not the size you have, but how you use that size.
In other words a small penis can give women great orgasms if you use it right.
Get Your Penis Bigger.
Another option to deal with inferior size is to do something about it and actually get your penis bigger.
You can do this through jelqing exercises.
These are hand massaging motions you do repeatedly on your penis and overtime they create larger and permanent size increase.
But, you have to do them almost daily and it does take a while to see real good results.
Nevertheless, exercises can take you from small to average and in some cases almost above average.
It's definitely something to consider.