Cardio and Aerobic Exercises
Cardio & aerobic exercises helps in
Cardio and aerobic exercises are helpful to strengthen the respiratory muscles and it results in smoother and unlabored breathing. These exercises are good for strengthening the cardiovascular muscles and it also improves the hearts pumping efficiency. It tones the muscles of all parts of body that results in improved blood circulation and reduced blood pressure. It increases the number of red blood cells in the body, which makes for improved transport of oxygen throughout the body.
If you follow the regular and disciplined aerobics, you can reduce the risks of having cardiovascular diseases. It is also helpful in lowering the risk of having other health problems such as respiratory diseases and osteoporosis.
Most common cardio exercises:
Walking – Walking is considered the most common form of cardio exercise. Walking is a low-impact exercise and it can be done just about anywhere. It is one of a few aerobics exercises that can actually be incorporated into your lifestyle. If you practice 15-30 minute walk around the mall, it makes you lose just as much calories as you would on the treadmill. You can increase your fat loss by increasing the speed of your walks.
Running or Jogging – Another, most accessible & easier cardio exercise is running or jogging. You can do it depending on your physical capacity. Beginners have to try speed walking first before progressing to jogging and then running. Like walking and running, jogging can be done in a lot of places like beach, park, in your neighborhood or at a track. It is a very natural activity for your body and you can easily adapt once you make it a regular exercise.
Aerobic Dance–Throughout the decades, aerobics dance exercises may have changed but it has not faded. People still prefer exercising to a thumping beat & aerobic dances are very effective yet fun ways of keeping the weight off while maintaining a trim and tone body.