Resume Writing Advice For Any Profession Or Position
While your resume needs be able to reach HR generalists as well as industry specialists, it also needs to be targeted in line with your unique job search.
Whatever your profession or position, here's some resume writing advice: 1.
)Use a font that's easy on the eyes - don't try to cram in as much information as possible by using small type.
Employers are inundated with resumes - if they have to squint to see your resume, chances are they won't even look at it.
)You don't need to detail everything you've ever done.
You should never repeat a job description and should avoid redundancy whenever possible.
For example, if you've basically held the same responsibilities in every position you've held, you might want to consider listing what you do in a "profile" section and highlighting your job-specific accomplishments in an "achievements" section.
In a similar vein, if you're changing careers, it doesn't make sense to waste premium resume real estate on detailing irrelevant qualifications.
)Keep it short - you want the reader to want to know more! Use your resume to demonstrate that you can take a lot of complex information and present it clearly and concisely - that's a valuable skill appreciated in any workplace.
Your resume can reflect a lifetime of work, but you should focus on what you've done most recently.
)Don't try to use words on your resume that you wouldn't use in real life.
Using a word incorrectly will make you look like you're trying to present yourself as something that you aren't.
)Don't be afraid to call in the pros.
Writing a great resume is the first step in any job search, and if you find yourself stuck it may be wise to outsource the task so you can quickly move forward and start applying with confidence.
A professional resume writer can either help you fix up an existing resume or build a resume from scratch.
You can candidly communicate with a resume writer and should feel free to talk to the writer about any concerns you have - whether you're a seasoned veteran, a recent grad, or someone re-entering the workforce.