How to Make Crepe Paper Poppies
- 1). Trace a circle around three inches wide onto the red crepe paper, then draw in four small indents on the circle, equally spaced, to give the feel of the four petals of the poppy flower. Cut the outline out with the scissors.
- 2). Poke the end of the pipe cleaner through the middle of the crepe paper circle, with about one and a half inches coming through the front.
- 3). Coil the pipe cleaner at the front so that it sits flat against the crepe paper, and prevents the face of the flower from falling off the pipe cleaner.
- 4). Cut a circle of black crepe paper, slightly wider than the coil of the pipe cleaner.
- 5). Cover one side of the black paper in glue, then stick it over the coiled part of the pipe cleaner, in the center of the face of the poppy. There should be enough black paper to stick a small perimeter to the red crepe paper as well as the pipe cleaner coil to full secure the crepe paper poppy.