How to Boost a WiFi Connection From a PSP
- 1). Fold the 2 ft. aluminum foil sheet in half. Do this three times lengthwise. The sheet should now be about 3 inches wide.
- 2). Fold the sheet in half width-wise. Do this only once.
- 3). Fold two corners of the sheet together. There should now be a cone at the top of the sheet, and the other side of the sheet should have two loose flaps.
- 4). Fold the two loose flaps in half diagonally, each pointing in a different direction away from the center sheet. This should make the sheet look like a "W."
- 5). Fold the corners of the flaps from step 4 in the same formation as you did in step 3. This will make all the points of the "W" cone-shaped.
- 6). Tape down the loose ends of the foil sheet with your Scotch tape.
- 7). Fold the 6-inch aluminum foil sheet three times length-wise. Then fold it once width-wise.
- 8). Tape this foil sheet to the bottom of your "W" shaped sheet. This should create a "W" shape with a handle sticking out of the bottom.
- 9). Tape the sheets to the back of your PSP. Turn your PSP on.
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Select the "Settings" option in the main menu, then select the "Network Settings" option to ensure that your PSP antenna is working properly.