How to Remove Nail Polish Off a Computer Screen
- 1). Blot wet nail polish off the computer screen by pressing dry paper towels against the stains. As the nail polish transfers from the screen to the paper towel, move the towel to a clean spot or use a new paper towel, altogether.
- 2). Dampen a clean cloth with alcohol-based mouthwash. Wring out the cloth to remove as much of the mouthwash as possible so the cloth is merely damp.
- 3). Sponge remaining nail polish stains with the mouthwash-dampened cloth. Change to a clean portion of the cloth as the nail polish is removed and continue to dab at the stains until they're completely removed.
- 4). Wet another cloth with water and wring out the excess moisture to remove as much as possible. Wipe off the computer screen to remove the mouthwash. Dry the screen thoroughly with a clean, dry cloth.