Free Information On How You Can Be A Better Product Manager
Fear not.
This time around I'm going to take care of you, and it's not going to cost you anything...
Welcome To ProductCamp NYC Well, not really "welcome" but rather "let's remember.
" An "open source" product manager conference, ProductCamp, was held for the second time in New York City on Saturday, November 6th, 2010.
I attended this event for the second time and once again got a chance to present on a number of different marketing topics.
At ProductCamps speakers can propose topics that they are willing to speak on.
On the day of the event, people in attendance are given the opportunity to vote on which sessions they want to see presented.
I had proposed three separate topics that I would be willing to speak on at this conference.
Wouldn't you know it, all three topics were selected by the attendees! Here are the descriptions for the three sessions that I presented.
Links to the presentations are included at the end of each session description.
Session 1: 10 Product Manager Success Secrets So you're a product manager - what comes next? You've made it this far, but do you know what it takes to reach the next level? In fact, just exactly what is the next level? In this group discussion I shared what my 25 years of experience have shown me are the 10 things that every one of us needs to do in order to move on up in their career.
Sure, you probably know some of them, but do you know (or are you doing) all of them? Session 2: How The Butterfly Effect Changes Everything For Product Managers Nobody likes to change and product managers are no different in this from everybody else.
However, big changes are coming our way.
Let's face facts: product managers today are "product pushers.
" We create a product and then go out and try to get people to buy it.
That's not going to cut it in the future.
Instead, our customers are going to demand that we take a different approach.
This means that the job of a product manager is going to dramatically change.
Join me and we'll talk about what's coming and how you can prepare for it...
Session 3: What "Jersey Shore" Can Teach Product Managers Come on, admit it - you watch it, we all do.
As embarrassing as it is to admit this, the show's almost magnetic appeal is based on some solid marketing.
Now if only you could discover how you could use the same techniques to make your product as popular! At ProductCamp NYC we engaged in a spirited discussion of how you can use what Pauly D, Ronnie, J-Woww, and of course Snooki already know to make you a more successful product manager...
! What All Of This Means For You If you made it to ProductCamp NYC this time around, then I hope that we had a chance to meet up.
If you didn't, then these presentations are available on the web and will hopefully give you a taste of what was discussed during this fantastic workshop.
It's not easy being a product manager, but with great events like ProductCamp NYC it seems to be getting just a little bit easier every day...