Pet-Friendly Lawn Spray for Ticks
- Diatomaceous earth is a product made from the bodies of tiny sea creatures called diatoms. It is a fine powder that, once spread on the ground and even on pets, will dry out the bodies of insects such as ticks and fleas. Use only food-grade diatomaceous earth because it contains no other chemicals and is safe if ingested by pets. To control ticks and fleas on your lawn, you can mix diatomaceous earth with water and spray onto the lawn. Diatomaceous earth can also be used in powder form for dusting in doorways and rubbing into pet fur. Be careful not to inhale or get diatomaceous earth in your eyes.
- There are several commercially made tick sprays for lawns that contain naturally occurring and non-toxic chemicals such as pyrethrins or organic essential oils that are safe for pets. Many sprays contain cedar oil, diatomaceous earth or chemicals called pyrethrins that are derived from chrysanthemum flowers. Look for sprays that list cedar oil, eucalyptus oil or pyrethrum in the ingredients. When shopping for a pet-friendly tick spray, look for products labeled organic and always read the warnings on the label very carefully to make sure the spray is safe for animals.
- Many essential oils made from plants have tick repelling or killing properties. To make an organic lawn spray at home, mix essential oils like tansy, eucalyptus, chrysanthemum and marjoram with inert oil like almond oil. Pour into a spray bottle and spray in areas where pets play. You may also spray onto pets to repel ticks, but always test a small area of fur for irritation before using on your pet.
- Another way to control ticks in your lawn is by using non-chemical control methods. First, reduce or destroy tick breeding areas by keeping grass cut short. Move all wood piles or debris away from the house or areas where pets like to play. To keep ticks from getting into the house, fill cracks and crannies in walls, doorways and floors with steel wool and diatomaceous earth. You can also use beneficial nematodes, which are small insects that naturally prey on ticks. You can buy beneficial insects like nematodes at you local organic gardening or farm supply retailer.