How to Recover Lost Data After a System Restore
- 1). Sign in to the computer using the administrative or backup operator account where the files are to be restored. This does not have to be on the same computer on which the files were backed up. When done, connect the backup media to the computer.
- 2). Click the "Start" button to open the Start menu. Click on "All Programs" and then "Accessories," followed by "System Tools." Finally, click on "Backup" to launch the Windows backup utility and start its wizard. This same utility is used to restore files from backups. To begin the restore, click "Next." Select "Restore Files and Settings." Click "Next" to continue.
- 3). Click the "Browse" button to navigate and select your backup from the backup media. The backup selected should then be listed under "Backup Identification Label." Click it to select it.
- 4). Locate under "Items to Restore" a small icon that looks like a CD called "File" with a grayed box to the left. Click on the small "+" sign to the left of the box to expand the view. It may go several layers deep, depending on the layout of the data originally backed up. As you expand the view, notice that some of the boxes are not grayed out. Clicking these boxes selects them and all data under them to be restored. If you do not wish to restore everything that was selected, you can continue expanding the view, deselecting the checked boxes beside the items you do not want restored. When done, click "Next."
- 5). Review the confirmation screen to ensure that the information presented is correct. When you are sure of the settings, click "Finish." A window will pop up and will display the restore process. If you receive a warning regarding a lack of feature support, click "OK" to continue. Should you wish to see exactly what was performed when the restore finishes running, click the "Reports" button for details. Otherwise, click "Close" to complete the process.