Introduction To A Superset Workout
If our goal is to lose weight, incorporating supersets is a great idea.
They will build muscle endurance, strength and improve your overall fitness level.
What is a superset? A superset is completing an exercise and then ploughing straight into another exercise, immediately afterwards, without resting.
For example we could include tricep dips and bench press exercises in a superset.
We would perform a number of bench press reps than followed by tricep dips afterwards.
How does a superset help with fat loss? The constant reps without rest will cause your body to burn fat and you will gain muscle as well which also burns fat.
Muscle burns fat so the more muscle you have the more fat you will burn off.
For a superset to be effective we need to structure it correctly.
So we need to include in our superset different exercises that work different muscle groups.
In the example i gave above the tricep dips focus heavily on the triceps (big surprise!) and the bench press relies on chest muscles.
This example has fairly close muscle groups, as you would be working triceps in both, but for another good superset that uses completely different muscles here are a few examples: 1.
Lunges (legs) 2.
Bench press (chest) 1.
Squats (legs) 2.
Incline bench press (chest) So once we have finished 1 superset then what? It will be a good idea to stretch and get some rest.
Stretch all the muscles you have just worked on.
Hold the stretch for 15 seconds as a guideline to make sure you have properly done it.
It depends on how fit you are as to how long you rest in between each superset but the ideal resting time would be to get to 1 minute max.
If you stick to the three examples listed above, you would have gotten rest for your legs when doing a upper body exercise and vice versa.
But if you still need longer to rest especially if you have just started out, that would still be ok, but just remember to aim for a max of 1 minute between each superset.
After resting start the second superset and just do it the same way using the same weight or more if you want to.
Then stretch and rest again for 1 minute.
Then proceed to a third set or until you feel out of breath and you feel you have pushed yourself.
If you are beginner to strength training or training in general than do not think you have to do all three sets as you might cause injury or hyperventilate if your heart rate gets too high.
Start with one superset or as many as you can without going 100%.
Build yourself up for the first couple of times you visit the gym then push, to reach 3 supersets.
Keep an eye on your heart rate.
Don't be afraid or embarrassed of stopping for a while to bring your heart rate back to normal levels.
If this the first form of intense activity you do consult your doctor.
To summarise supersets are a fantastic way to burn fat and calories to reach your weight loss goals.
They are a staple part of any strength training regime.
They will build muscle endurance, strength and improve your overall fitness level.
What is a superset? A superset is completing an exercise and then ploughing straight into another exercise, immediately afterwards, without resting.
For example we could include tricep dips and bench press exercises in a superset.
We would perform a number of bench press reps than followed by tricep dips afterwards.
How does a superset help with fat loss? The constant reps without rest will cause your body to burn fat and you will gain muscle as well which also burns fat.
Muscle burns fat so the more muscle you have the more fat you will burn off.
For a superset to be effective we need to structure it correctly.
So we need to include in our superset different exercises that work different muscle groups.
In the example i gave above the tricep dips focus heavily on the triceps (big surprise!) and the bench press relies on chest muscles.
This example has fairly close muscle groups, as you would be working triceps in both, but for another good superset that uses completely different muscles here are a few examples: 1.
Lunges (legs) 2.
Bench press (chest) 1.
Squats (legs) 2.
Incline bench press (chest) So once we have finished 1 superset then what? It will be a good idea to stretch and get some rest.
Stretch all the muscles you have just worked on.
Hold the stretch for 15 seconds as a guideline to make sure you have properly done it.
It depends on how fit you are as to how long you rest in between each superset but the ideal resting time would be to get to 1 minute max.
If you stick to the three examples listed above, you would have gotten rest for your legs when doing a upper body exercise and vice versa.
But if you still need longer to rest especially if you have just started out, that would still be ok, but just remember to aim for a max of 1 minute between each superset.
After resting start the second superset and just do it the same way using the same weight or more if you want to.
Then stretch and rest again for 1 minute.
Then proceed to a third set or until you feel out of breath and you feel you have pushed yourself.
If you are beginner to strength training or training in general than do not think you have to do all three sets as you might cause injury or hyperventilate if your heart rate gets too high.
Start with one superset or as many as you can without going 100%.
Build yourself up for the first couple of times you visit the gym then push, to reach 3 supersets.
Keep an eye on your heart rate.
Don't be afraid or embarrassed of stopping for a while to bring your heart rate back to normal levels.
If this the first form of intense activity you do consult your doctor.
To summarise supersets are a fantastic way to burn fat and calories to reach your weight loss goals.
They are a staple part of any strength training regime.