How to Fertilize Onions With Drip Tape
- 1). Obtain a chemical analysis of your irrigation water before introducing fertilizers into your drip irrigation system. If your water supply contains a high amount of minerals, this will cause blocked emitter problems.
- 2). Install an anti-syphon valve or a one-way valve before attaching the fertilizing system connector to the drip irrigation system. The valve will prevent any of the fertilizer solution from flowing back through the faucet and into your domestic water supply.
- 3). Attach your fertilizer pumping system directly in front of the filter station; a filter removes particulates that otherwise clog emitters.
Types of fertilizing systems include tanks, motor-driven pumps and electric pumps; choose a system to fit your garden needs. - 4). Install a manual shut-off valve to your fertigation equipment to help control water pressure and the amount of fertilizer injected into the drip system.
- 5). Add fertilizer to your pumping system, using a highly diluted ratio of water to fertilizer. According to Ohio State University, onions have an extremely limited root system and require very fertile soil; using fertilizers of a 1-2-2 ratio, such as 5-10-10, will result in a good onion crop.
The fertilizer you use, whether in dry or liquid form, must be fully water-soluble; the solubility of dry fertilizer is crucial for a consistent application and to prevent clogging of the drip lines and emitters. - 6). Monitor the amount of fertilizer output through your drip tape system to prevent over-fertilizing of your onions. You use less fertilizer as the drip tape process directly feeds the onion root system; an excessive amount of fertilizer will cause damage to your onion crops.