How to increase your web traffic using free classifieds site
The classifieds are a great way to post announcements, sales, promotions, and links to your web site for free. You can build a list of the best free classified sites, such as the various Craig’s lists, or newspaper sites in your region. Post links that lead directly to your site, or affiliate program, to build traffic to your web site from a free classified site with a large community user base
You can use classified ads as a means of advertising your services directly, or as a way to drive decent amounts of traffic directly to your blog and sites. Because such free classifieds sites are tailored to local areas, particularly some of the local community sites and portals (which you can find using search engines), you need to keep in mind the locality or region you are advertising your services to. However, for those of you looking to advertise globally, it might be a case of choosing to place ads aimed at a few areas, or to place multiple ads covering many areas. Some sites will charge you for placing an ad, whilst many will be free. Before posting an ad, it is worth writing out the ad in a text document to be copied first.