Prepare Yourself for Career Development
1. Education
Review job descriptions within your municipality or other municipalities to find out what the minimum educational requirements are that you need to obtain. Have you already acquired these? If so, you may want to look into exceeding the minimum requirements. For instance, if you want to progress through the accounting field, chances are that minimally you need a Bachelor degree with a concentration in Accounting. However, pursuing a Master of Public Administration or a Master of Accountancy would give you advanced knowledge and may help you meet a preferred qualification.
2. Experience
Chances are you have gained some experience within your current field. Everyone has to start somewhere and gaining the entry-level experience sets you on the right path ahead. To gain additional experience, look for advancement opportunities. If your place of employment has a job board, make sure to access it regularly so that you do not miss an opportunity. If they have job interest cards, make sure to fill them out so that you will be made aware of when an opening is posted.
If you still need to gain additional education, certification or such in order to promote, then ensure you are advancing within your current job. If time permits, let your boss know that you would like to take on additional responsibilities. By doing this, you can gain additional experience prior to promoting.
3. Certifications
Almost all professional fields have certifications that can be obtained by individuals in that field to show that they are a professional or have advanced knowledge and skills. These certifications have requirements that must be met in order to qualify for them. If you are qualified, then you will have to pay for and pass an examination to become certified. Look into what certifications are needed or preferred in your field of interest. Are there special certifications that are geared towards public sector work? Such as if you work in finance, the Government Finance Officers Association offers the Certified Public Finance Officers certification program.
4. Special Projects
Special projects are a way to gain knowledge, skills and experience. Is there a certain area that you have expertise or interest in? If so, let you supervisor know that you have these skills or interest and that you would be interested in applying these to any upcoming projects. If you see a project starting off, volunteer for it. Sometimes it can be difficult to add more work to what is you are already responsible for; however, it you are able to handle the extra workload it may benefit you in the long run when you are applying for or interviewing for a position.
5. Mentoring
Do you know someone who works in your field that is successful and respected? Is there a co-worker, family member or friend in a position that you would like to be someday? If you know someone like this, talk to them about how they got where they are. Take some time to schedule with them and be prepared with a list of questions. Ask what advice and additional information they may have for you. If you feel comfortable doing so, ask if they would like to become your mentor.
In addition, see if your employer has established a mentoring program. In the program, you will be paired with an experienced person within your field or general area who can guide you through career development.